Website Design &

Development Services

Create a website that communicates your brand, draws in visitors, and keeps them there. Leading web development company NSMedia places a strong emphasis on aesthetics and user interaction.

Your brand is nurtured through our Web Development.

Utilize the strength of our excellent web development to set yourself ahead of the competition and take charge of your company's growth right away.

API Integration

In today's apps and portals, APIs are essential for authentication. Any API we design for you can be integrated into your website.

Mobile Sites

Any smart device can use the mobile websites that our web development firm builds and designs.

Responsive website

To support the expansion of your business, our talented web developers construct user-friendly, responsive websites that function flawlessly across all browsers and platforms (tablets, desktops, etc.).

CMS Development

We create CMS websites on any platform that you choose. This covers page loading times, SEO, and customizations.

Custom website development

We produce unique websites for brands, companies, goods, and services as a bespoke web development firm. You can have a unique website thanks to it.

Backend development

Our backend developers are skilled in database design, backend coding, API integration, business logic development, middleware development, and server administration.

Full Stack development

Hire one of our full-stack developers to develop your front and back ends. These developers know how to gather requirements, design, develop, test, and develop both of these ends.

Front end development

We design the user-facing, visually stunning front end of websites and online apps, which is what visitors will see and engage with.

Technologies Used in Web Development


Web pages are styled and laid out using CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), which may be used to alter the font, color, size, and spacing as well as to include animations and other decorative elements.


The Angular framework is used to create single-page client applications in HTML and TypeScript. Angular runs on TypeScript. As TypeScript libraries you import, it implements both required and optional functionality.

Vue js

A JavaScript UI framework is Vue. A declarative and component-based programming framework is provided for creating simple or complicated user interfaces by building on HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.


Hyper Text Markup Language, or HTML as it is commonly known, is a language that is used on the internet to create both web pages and structured documents.


React is a JavaScript toolkit for creating UI components that is open-source and free. It is maintained by Meta (formerly Facebook), developers, and businesses. Next. To create single-page, mobile, or server-rendered apps, you can use React.


For creating server-side and networking apps, Node.js is a single-threaded, cross-platform runtime environment. It has an effective event-driven, non-blocking I/O design that makes it perfect for real-time applications.


Laravel is a backend framework that offers file storage, queues, caching, routing, and validation. Offering developers a full-stack experience that includes advanced frontend tools is essential in our opinion.


CakePHP is a model-view-controller framework for PHP that is object-oriented and intended for the quick creation of web applications. CakePHP puts less emphasis on setup and more on swiftly resolving issues through the use of conventions, allowing you to get to work more quickly.


Its goal is to provide you with a comprehensive set of libraries and a simple interface to access them, allowing you to build applications more quickly than you would if you were writing code from scratch.


A document database for scalable web applications is MongoDB. The flexible schema is popular with agile development teams.


A relational database management system (RDBMS) called Microsoft SQL Server is employed in business IT environments.


A cloud-based database for data lakes, marts, operational reporting, and batch processing is Oracle Autonomous Database.


Elasticsearch provides millisecond responses while storing, searching, and analyzing massive volumes of data in close to real-time. It searches an index as opposed to immediately scanning text.


MySQL uses table relationships to store and manage data. SQL requests can be sent from MySQL clients. The response from the server program will be visible to clients.


WordPress is a CMS for creating websites. WordPress may be customized with plugins and layouts to fit your website, blog, portfolio, or online store.


Retailers may create and design an online store with Shopify and sell through a variety of channels, such as social media and online marketplaces.


A free WordPress plugin called WooCommerce allows you to add e-commerce to your website. With a few clicks, your WordPress website may be converted to an online store.


Even non-technical users may create and manage websites with Drupal, which is free and open-source software. A framework and a CMS are included with the app.


Joomla! is an open-source, free content management system. Like other CMSs, Joomla! makes it easier to set up and maintain websites.


The e-commerce platform Magento is owned by Adobe. Users may sell products and connect with customers thanks to Magento's distinctive features.

AWS Cloud

The most adaptable and safe cloud platform is AWS. The military, international banks, and other sensitive institutions are the target audience for our core infrastructure.

Microsoft Azure's

The scalability, integrated delivery pipeline, security, disaster recovery, and service speed of Microsoft Azure are highly regarded. IT cost-effective businesses make use of the platform's enhanced infrastructure.

Google Cloud

Computing, storage, networking, big data, machine learning, Internet of Things, cloud administration, security, and developer tools are all provided by Google Cloud.

IBM Cloud

When it comes to operating mission-critical workloads, IBM Cloud offers solutions with well-established architecture patterns and processes for quick delivery.


iOS is used by the iPhone, iPad, and other mobile devices made by Apple (AAPL). Based on Mac OS, Apple iOS is built for simple, seamless networking across all Apple products.


Android is used on mobile devices. Samsung, HTC, and Google's Pixel devices all make use of it.


Google's portable UI toolkit for creating native mobile, web, and desktop apps is called Flutter. Flutter is free and open source, and it functions with current code.

React Native

It's a Facebook framework for JavaScript-based iOS and Android app development.

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SEO Keyword

We create websites

Business website

We create business websites that reassure customers that you are a legitimate organization. Present your brand to potential customers.

Online portals

Any bespoke web portal idea can be realized by our team. The portals could be for web apps travel, matrimonial, e-commerce, concepts, etc.

Business-to-business websites

We create B2B and B2C websites for your company so that it may network with other companies and expand online.

CMS-based websites

We create CMS sites that use a presentation layer of templates to display content that is stored in a database.

Private websites

We design one-of-a-kind personal websites that you may use to advance your profession, build relationships with people, or simply express yourself.

Blogging websites

We often add fresh, practical content to our blog pages. Usually, it consists of several posts.

The WordPress website

Our knowledgeable custom WordPress developers will create user-friendly websites with CMS capability and are conversion-focused for the expansion of your organization.

Lead generation websites

Web user data is gathered for you by our lead generation websites. It produces leads and educates more than just being a digital brochure.

Commercial websites

Our company website is well-designed and may be utilized to communicate crucial details about your company, its goods, and other services.

Frequently asked questions

The most common inquiries about Website Design and Development Services

How should you pick a web development company?

When choosing the best web development firm in your area, you should take into account things like the type of website your company requires and how much support you'll require both before and after your website goes live. Age, size, quality, portability, availability, flexibility, after-sales services, cost, and reaction time are all important factors to consider. The top priorities should be quality and domain expertise.

What exactly are website maintenance services? What does it include?

Periodically checking for bugs, updating speed, and backing up a website are all part of maintenance. For the website to remain current, secure, and reliable, you must do this frequently. Increased traffic is accompanied by improved SEO and Google rankings. Some of the features include checking for security flaws and patching them, updating software, evaluating browser compatibility and website speed, establishing website backups and backup systems, monitoring analytics, and using a web-based content management system.

A responsive website is what?

Using HTML and CSS to immediately resize, hide, shrink, or enlarge a website so that it looks fantastic on all platforms, including PCs, tablets, and smartphones, is known as responsive web design.

What is the building of an SEO-friendly website?

When a website is optimized for search engines, Google and other search engines may swiftly scan each page, thoroughly index the material, and store it in their database. Once tracked, businesses may provide the greatest and most pertinent web sites to their users based on their search criteria.

How long will it take to rank on Google's first page?

Your website may not appear on Google's first page for at least 6 months, depending on how competitive your chosen keywords are. Because of the intense competition today and how keen every business is to have a website that is optimized for search engines, it is difficult to make predictions.

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