Mobile App


A leading provider of mobile app development is NSMedia. For Android and iOS, we mostly create native and hybrid apps. We ensure that apps have solid mechanisms, scalable systems, and a positive user experience. These apps must also be compatible with iPhone, Android, iPad, and Apple TV devices.

Android App development

IOS apps development

We develop new iOS apps with the most recent iOS SDK to provide you with a fully functional Apple app with a ton of features and an excellent UI.

Android apps development

We produce Android apps for various types of businesses. Our app developers have produced applications for e-commerce, healthcare, travel, and other industries.

Hybrid apps development

This approach entails developing a single mobile app that works on both Android and iOS. On iOS and Android, our hybrid apps offer a smooth user experience.

Web services for apps

To connect, push, and pull data from other sources across the web and apps, we build powerful and specialized web services.

Custom mobile apps

We create mobile apps for clients who want originality, transparency, prompt delivery, and cost management to support their businesses.

PWA app development

We develop fluid, native-like progressive web applications to provide consumers with the greatest experience possible and boost conversion rates.

Technologies Used in Web


Web pages are styled and laid out using CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), which may be used to alter the font, color, size, and spacing as well as to include animations and other decorative elements.


The Angular framework is used to create single-page client applications in HTML and TypeScript. Angular runs on TypeScript. As TypeScript libraries you import, it implements both required and optional functionality.

Vue js

A JavaScript UI framework is Vue. A declarative and component-based programming framework is provided for creating simple or complicated user interfaces by building on HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.


Hyper Text Markup Language, or HTML as it is commonly known, is a language that is used on the internet to create both web pages and structured documents.


React is a JavaScript toolkit for creating UI components that is open-source and free. It is maintained by Meta (formerly Facebook), developers, and businesses. Next. To create single-page, mobile, or server-rendered apps, you can use React.


For creating server-side and networking apps, Node.js is a single-threaded, cross-platform runtime environment. It has an effective event-driven, non-blocking I/O design that makes it perfect for real-time applications.


Laravel is a backend framework that offers file storage, queues, caching, routing, and validation. Offering developers a full-stack experience that includes advanced frontend tools is essential in our opinion.


CakePHP is a model-view-controller framework for PHP that is object-oriented and intended for the quick creation of web applications. CakePHP puts less emphasis on setup and more on swiftly resolving issues through the use of conventions, allowing you to get to work more quickly.


Its goal is to provide you with a comprehensive set of libraries and a simple interface to access them, allowing you to build applications more quickly than you would if you were writing code from scratch.


A document database for scalable web applications is MongoDB. The flexible schema is popular with agile development teams.


A relational database management system (RDBMS) called Microsoft SQL Server is employed in business IT environments.


A cloud-based database for data lakes, marts, operational reporting, and batch processing is Oracle Autonomous Database.


Elasticsearch provides millisecond responses while storing, searching, and analyzing massive volumes of data in close to real-time. It searches an index as opposed to immediately scanning text.


MySQL uses table relationships to store and manage data. SQL requests can be sent from MySQL clients. The response from the server program will be visible to clients.


WordPress is a CMS for creating websites. WordPress may be customized with plugins and layouts to fit your website, blog, portfolio, or online store.


Retailers may create and design an online store with Shopify and sell through a variety of channels, such as social media and online marketplaces.


A free WordPress plugin called WooCommerce allows you to add e-commerce to your website. With a few clicks, your WordPress website may be converted to an online store.


Even non-technical users may create and manage websites with Drupal, which is free and open-source software. A framework and a CMS are included with the app.


Joomla! is an open-source, free content management system. Like other CMSs, Joomla! makes it easier to set up and maintain websites.


The e-commerce platform Magento is owned by Adobe. Users may sell products and connect with customers thanks to Magento's distinctive features.

AWS Cloud

The most adaptable and safe cloud platform is AWS. The military, international banks, and other sensitive institutions are the target audience for our core infrastructure.

Microsoft Azure's

The scalability, integrated delivery pipeline, security, disaster recovery, and service speed of Microsoft Azure are highly regarded. IT cost-effective businesses make use of the platform's enhanced infrastructure.

Google Cloud

Computing, storage, networking, big data, machine learning, Internet of Things, cloud administration, security, and developer tools are all provided by Google Cloud.

IBM Cloud

When it comes to operating mission-critical workloads, IBM Cloud offers solutions with well-established architecture patterns and processes for quick delivery.


iOS is used by the iPhone, iPad, and other mobile devices made by Apple (AAPL). Based on Mac OS, Apple iOS is built for simple, seamless networking across all Apple products.


Android is used on mobile devices. Samsung, HTC, and Google's Pixel devices all make use of it.


Google's portable UI toolkit for creating native mobile, web, and desktop apps is called Flutter. Flutter is free and open source, and it functions with current code.

React Native

It's a Facebook framework for JavaScript-based iOS and Android app development.

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IOS App development

Integration of AI

To improve the user experience, we employ AI to automate processes including chat automation, digital support, predictive analytics, object identification, and personalization.

Native SDK

We build a feature-rich iPhone experience using the SDK. A smooth UI/UX design, quick testing, optimizations, and NFC integration are all features of the custom app.

Web-based services

We create iOS applications that satisfy user and market demands. Your iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch and Apple TV are tested and improved using actual surroundings, hardware, and usage information.

Cloud computing

Databases, virtualization, and cloud services can be used by NSMedia developers to connect applications and systems, enabling users to access data from any location.

Admin Dashboard

Our admin console services make it simple to post, submit, and manage your iOS apps and Native SDK on the App Store to enhance the user experience.

Enhanced database administration

To transfer, store, and process data, we have a DBMS that supports several different data models. This makes it simple to get organized data and make modifications.

Ads manager

With more ad units, key values, audience segmentation, and various additional criteria that are appropriate for your company, we create apps in the Ad Manager.

Hybrid framework for development

To access all mobile functionalities, this solution combines native and web-based solutions with core technologies and additional plugins.

Frequently asked questions

The most frequently asked questions about creating Mobile Applications

Why should I choose to develop mobile apps?

User-friendly mobile apps can be used to interact, engage, and communicate with customers. An app can be made to be more than simply a simple tool for communication by using a user's preferences, location history, and other information. Your brand may boost client loyalty over time if you provide consistent, personalized in-app content.

What steps are involved in making a mobile app?

The process of creating applications for use on smartphones, tablets, and other portable computing devices is referred to as "mobile app development." Employ a mobile app development company that has experience in all areas and adheres to a tried-and-true process.

The skilled mobile app developers at NSMedia will create a comprehensive plan for the creation of the app, design an intuitive user interface, create the required software bundles that can be installed, and configure the appropriate backend services to support the app. An app is tested at every stage of development to ensure that it achieves all of its objectives.

What distinguishes cross-platform development from native app development?

Native app development and cross-platform app development are two very different methodologies. "Native app development" refers to the process of creating unique programs for each platform, such as iOS and Android. A single app can be created using cross-platform technology and run on either system.

Only one platform is intended for native apps. They typically perform well in the rankings of that app store and work flawlessly on that platform. Well-designed cross-platform programs function similarly well, but they take less development time and money. Multiple platforms make updating apps more simpler than just one.

Will you continue cooperate with us if we don't yet have a finished app concept?

The NSMedia app development team is accustomed to dealing with businesses whose app concepts are at various stages of development. We will create completely functional mobile apps based on your thoughts that complement one another.

Do I need to test my application?

An expert internal testing team first puts every app that NSMedia creates through its paces. As the apps are being created, this team closely collaborates with the app developers to test them for quality.

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